Saturday, January 30, 2010

If the Senate won't act, Obama can still do a lot, by Executive Order 13514

His action takes a little-noticed Executive Order by Bush a couple of years ago, the next logical step. With the Federal government the nation's very largest user of energy (and buyer of telephones and vehicles, and so on), this will create a market that will pull the manufacturers in.
President Obama Sets Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target for Federal Operations | The White House

Monday, January 11, 2010

Congress, without doing anything on its own, wants to block EPA

Both Sides Gird for Bruising Senate Debate Over EPA Amendment -

And there's the North Dakota Democrat, Pomeroy, on the House side:

Click this link to add your name to the petition to your Congressional representatives to stop this:

The petition says: "Congress must not block the Clean Air Act's limits on global warming pollution."