Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Calculate Energy Loss – Vampire Power Tips

Clever tool by iGo, which of course sells devices that reduce vampire power: drag your devices over the rooms of the home and watch the watts mount up. I couldn't get the state dropdown to show New Mexico -- only a dozen states show -- but you'll definitely get the idea.
Calculate Energy Loss – Vampire Power Tips

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Make resin for plastics from sugar cane instead of oil, and sequester CO2 at the same time

I'd love to know the chemistry involved. Typically there's a high energy barrier to transform one kind of chemical into another, but maybe clever use of bacterial enzymes is involved. Still, it's a great accomplishment, and a powerful way to move to a new era of carbon-sequestering production, while still allowing us all the Tupperware we crave. Well, maybe not all, but still!