Thursday, December 20, 2007

A sustainable gas station?

This might be the last place you'd look for green design, but why not? Gasoline or some kind of transportation fuel will be with us for a long time, and the places we have to stop to keep our personal transportation vehicles going are ubiquitous. BP alone has 25,000 worldwide. Hence, "Helios House" -- the first gas station built out of recycled and recyclable materials. Commissioned by BP, the oil company that is trying to appear greener than thou, the structure is built of concrete consisting of crushed, unrecyclable glass, with sinks and toilets of aluminum scrap, and covered with solar panels (BP brand, of course!). Visit it at the corner of Robertson and Olympic Boulevards in Los Angeles. About the station.

1 comment:

Jennifer Kirkgaard said...

How cool is that gas station... Who would believe a trip to California would involve going to a gas station as a point of interest. Thanks for your interesting blog, Michael!