Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bill Gates: the Most Important Climate Speech of the Year's Alex Steffen explains why. Gates now says his top priority is to drive carbon emissions to zero. Why didn't this make front-page news in newspapers? Or on network television? Or anywhere? The summary is great, but you can probably find the original, if you want, on, the site associated with the famous meetings of the smart and accomplished (as opposed to rich and famous, or wannabes, etc.) The key points are that he thinks it's necessary to get to zero, and perhaps he can convince other people with money and power. Read and pass it on. Steffens points out a few important gaps in Gates' analysis (like the necessity of preserving and restoring ecosystems) but the endorsement of zero (as opposed to the incremental, "politically feasible" goals of even the best politicians) as a goal is a huge step.

Worldchanging: Bright Green: Bill Gates: the Most Important Climate Speech of the Year

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